Hive & Harvest

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Plant a Tree

Plant a Tree

Feed the Bees

Minimum price: $10.00

At Hive & Harvest, we understand the vital role trees play in supporting healthy bee populations. Unlike seasonal flowers that bloom briefly and then fade, trees offer a strategic advantage by providing a much higher bloom density than a field of flowers. They offer diverse sources of pollen and nectar throughout the year in a compact space. While it’s true that no single tree blooms year-round, our approach involves planting a variety of trees that blossom at different times. This ensures there’s always something in bloom to feed our bees, even during seasons when other floral resources may be scarce.

When you donate towards planting a tree with us, you’re contributing to a carefully curated ecosystem designed to meet the nutritional needs of bees throughout the changing seasons. We prioritize planting mature trees so that your donation has an immediate impact on bee health and habitat. Your contribution will be saved with others until we can plant a mature tree that will start benefiting bees right away, ensuring they have access to essential food sources now and into the future.

Join us in planting trees that sustain our bees year-round, promoting healthy pollinator populations and ensuring the future of our ecosystems. Together, we can create landscapes where bees flourish, pollinate abundantly, and enrich our natural world for generations to come. Every tree planted is a testament to your commitment to bee conservation and environmental stewardship.

Year-round Blooms

A variety of trees means there's always something in bloom to feed bees throughout the year.

Immediate Impact

Planting mature trees ensures immediate benefits for bees and lasting environmental improvements.

Diverse Nutritional Benefits

Different tree species offer a range of pollen and nectar with varied nutrients crucial for bee health.

Resilient Habitat

Trees provide stable habitats and food sources that withstand environmental changes better than seasonal plants.

Plant a Tree: Feed the Bees and Pollinators

Support our mission to nourish and sustain our bee populations and other pollinators by donating to our “Plant a Tree” initiative. Unlike many companies that plant inexpensive $5 saplings with uncertain futures, we invest your generous donations in mature trees, ensuring they thrive and provide immediate benefits to our environment.

By contributing to our “Plant a Tree” program, you’re not only helping us plant trees but also life-saving flowering bushes and plants. These mature plantings offer a consistent and reliable source of pollen and nectar, feeding our bees and other pollinators now and for years to come. Our strategic approach includes a variety of species that bloom at different times, ensuring that there’s always something in bloom to sustain our precious pollinators throughout the seasons.

Your donations are carefully saved until we can plant these mature trees, bushes, and plants, providing immediate and long-lasting food sources for our bees. This ensures we can support the health and vitality of our apiaries and local ecosystems without delay.

Join us in making a meaningful impact. With your help, we can create thriving habitats where bees and other pollinators flourish, contributing to a healthier, more sustainable environment. Every donation to our “Plant a Tree” initiative is a step towards a brighter future for our pollinators and our planet.

Minimum price: $10.00

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