Hive & Harvest

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Bee the Change: Learn, Support, & Experience

Hive & Harvest

Save the Bees - Plant a Tree

At Hive and Harvest, we take honeybee health seriously! The best food for our bees is natural nectar. A single flowering tree can make as much nectar as an acre of wildflowers!
Help us feed our bees by helping us purchase trees near our apiaries.

Give the Gift of Life

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.”
– Albert Einstein

Adopt a Queen

Save the bees, one colony or queen at a time! You can adopt a queen or an entire colony. This helps fund the equipment needed, and the maintenance costs of caring for a family of bees. You will be able to name your bee(s) and receive a beautiful e-certificate that you can keep or gift!

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The Benefits
of Honey


A Healthy Choice: Honey contains over 200 compounds from vitamins and minerals to beneficial enzymes and healthier sugars. Honey is made primarily from glucose and fructose instead of sucrose that comes from table sugar. This means that your body processes it completely different. Glucose is available as useable sugars right away, but fructose has to be converted to simple sugars by the body and becomes a slow release form of energy. This means that honey provides a consistent release of sugars that does not spike or crash your blood sugar, unlike sugar.

Healing: Because of it’s high antioxidants and healing properties, it has been used medicinally for thousands of years! There are over 17,000 scientific studies on the medicinal uses of honey! It heals things like Alzheimer’s and Dementia, wounds, burns, GI tract issues, cataracts, infections including MRSA and so much more!!

Contains a variety of vitamins

Improves overall health

Better for blood sugar levels

Promotes burn and wound healing

our story

What started as a passion for keeping bees, grew into a mission to do so much more. Our mission is threefold:

LEARN | Educate the Public: Dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about the vital role bees play in our ecosystem, and providing resources and educational programs for all ages.

SUPPORT | Save the Bees: Committed to conserving and protecting bee populations through sustainable beekeeping practices, habitat preservation, and advocacy efforts.

EXPERIENCE | High-Quality Bee Products: Striving to produce and offer pure, high-quality honey and other bee-related products, ensuring ethical and environmentally friendly beekeeping practices.

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